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merubah windows bajakan menjadi asli>>

kalau mengaku ahli Cara membuat WINDOWS XP BAJAKAN JADI ASLI, tidak usah pakai program macam-macam..
ikuti langkah-langkahnya berikut ini :

1. Click on Start (Klik START)
2. Find and Click “Run” (Pilih RUN)
3. Type regedit (Tulis REGEDIT)
4. Click the plus next to “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE” (pilih)
5. Click the plus next to “SOFTWARE” (pilih)
6. Click the plus next to “Microsoft” (pilih)
7. Click the plus next to “Windows NT” (pilih)
8. Click the plus next to “CurrentVersion” (pilih)
9. Click “WPAEvents” (pilih)
10. On the right panel, find “OOBETimer” then double
click it. (di panel sebelah kanan doubel klik/klik
kanan “OOBETimer”)
11. Now, Delete all the Values by highlighting it, then
delete it (sekarang, hapus semua angka/nilai yang
ada, kalau ada angka 0000 yang tidak bisa dihapus
biarkan saja)
12. Then type in this value without the quotation
mark “FF D5 71 D6 8B 6A 8D 6F D5 33 93 FD”
(tulis angka-angka ini tanpa tanda petik)
13. Then after that click OK, (pilih OK)
14. Then on the left panel right click WPAEvents, then
click on permissions (pindah ke panel kanan, klik
kanan di WPAEvents, pilih Permissions)
15. Then click System or SYSTEM, then Deny Full Control,
then Click OK. (kemudian klik System/SYSTEM, pilih/
Centang Denny Full Control, klik OK)
16. Then Exit Registry Editor by Click the X or the red X
on the Upper Right of the Title Bar or press ALT and
F4 at the same time. (Terakhir keluar, pilih X di
sudut kanan atas)
17. To Very that it works, go to start, then “activate
windows”, or go to start, then all programs, then
“activate windows” (Matikan/Restart Komputer)
18. If it says that Windows has been activated. (Windows
sudah aktif!!!)

Silahkan dicek  jikakalau masih ragu-ragu dengan cara men-download program “Microsoft Genuine Advantage Diagnostic Tool” – kalau ada tulisan “Genuine” warna biru… berarti Windows berhasil aktif.
download disini apps nya: windows genuine advantane kllik di sini!!!

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